Customer Testimonials

We sold yesterday. Had a great result! There was a lot of comments re the staging over the 3 weeks, so I know your touches contributed so thank you!

Michael Buck, Forrest Hill

I walked in and cried when I saw your staging! Our kids don’t want us to move now – thank you! Thank you!

Sharon B, Warkworth

Thank you so much for your efforts, have had wonderful comments from would be buyers and agents as to how great the property was presented.

Chris & Jennifer, Beach Haven

Wow - that looks great Kylie - thank you so much. Great idea to remove the curtains too! Looks very spacious. Thanks again!

Jamie T, Beach Haven

This gorgeous California Bungalow provided some fantastic features for us to work with! We love working with older homes and we were in our element bringing this gorgeous lady to life! The three bedrooms and open plan living spaces were ripe for a new family to make this their new home.

16a Roland Hill

Great news, we sold the house after 6 days on the market! Certainly, your beautiful interior design made a big impact for the buyer! She asked if the furniture was mine and told me how much she loved everything I told my partner we should let you know, and he was reluctant - he thinks the house looks too good!

Lauren Seagar, Point Chevalier

"I decided to sell my rental property, so I asked Kylie to stage it. It really needed a new paint inside, and the carpet was a bit worn too. Kylie's clever choice of colours and furniture, not only complimented the existing colours of my house (saved me having to re-paint it), but she also used furniture and home decor, which made my townhouse look so much more spacious and light. The new owners of my property liked Kylie's staging so much, they wanted to buy the house and the furniture!"

Kelly Piper

Hi Kylie, The staging is absolutely beautiful, nice job, thank you!

John Moran, Milford

Good morning Kylie, we went to the wee apartment last night. Walking in I felt it was giving me a hug, as it is warm and inviting. Brilliant colour choice for the couch and cushions, makes you want to sit and relax. Love the flowers and the artwork. Kylie our sincere thanks for a job well done.

Vera Mills, Grey Lynn.

Kylie, The staging you’ve put in our home has helped to generate a lot of interest in the property, thank you! The décor and furnishings are perfect for the style of the home and many people are commenting. We’ll have to get you to style our next home! Thank you again.

Melissa Parker, Mt Eden

Hi Kylie, Our house has sold! The staging undoubtedly helped it to sell in just two weeks on the market, for a lot more than we were hoping for. It was a showstopper and we’re beyond thrilled. Thanks so much.

Max & Amy, Birkenhead